시험문제 7일차
4. (결과 테스트 해봐야 함)
select deptno, LTRIM (sys_connect_by_path(ename,','),',') ename
from ( select deptno
, ename
, row_number() over (partition by deptno order by deptno) rnum
, count(*) over (partition by deptno ) cnt
from emp
where level = cnt
start with rnum = 1
connect by prior deptno = deptno
and prior rnum = rnum - 1
-- 답은 이것으로 예상
select a.ename, b.ename
from emp a,
( select mgr, LTRIM (sys_connect_by_path(ename,','),',') ename
from ( select ename
, mgr
, row_number() over (partition by mgr order by empno) rnum
from emp
start with rnum = 1
connect by prior mgr = mgr
and prior rnum = rnum - 1
) b
where a.empno = b.mgr
select b.aaa, b.saumsal, sum(sumsal) over (order by aaa ) cumulative
from ( select a.aaa , sum(a.sal) sumsal
from ( select to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy') aaa , sal
from emp
) a
group by aaa ) b
select b.aaa, b.saumsal, sum(sumsal) over (order by aaa rows between unbounded preceding and current row ) cumulative
from ( select a.aaa , sum(a.sal) sumsal
from ( select to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy') aaa , sal
from emp
) a
group by aaa ) b
--- 그러나
select to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy') aaa, sal
from emp
group by to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy')
이게 만약 가능하다면
select b.aaa, b.saumsal, sum(sumsal) over (order by aaa ) cumulative
from ( select to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy') aaa , sum(a.sal) sumsal
from emp
group by to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy') ) b
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